Calculating Your Data - Ease Into Functions

28 August 2020 Friday, 09:00 AM PDT

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What Is A Function? Preprogrammed Formulas - Excel Does The Math - Check it out!

You can manually do the math, or you can have Excel do the math. Which would you prefer?

Ever hear of the SUM? What about the AVERAGE? You must have heard of the COUNT?

What are they? These are functions in Excel. Think of functions as pre-programmed formulas.

The Most Basic Function - The AutoSum - So Much More Than Just Sum!

The most commonly used function in Excel is the AutoSum (Alt+=).

No more =E1+E2+E3+E4+E5+E6+E7+E8+E9.

With the AutoSum you change that formula to SUM(E1:E9) - that's it!

And there is so much more! Let Excel do the math!

Learn To Delegate To Excel - Just Press Alt+= 

Have you ever heard that you can get a lot more done when you have effective delegation skills?

Get more done in Excel! Delegate the SUM of multiple non-adjacent ranges to the AutoSum.

Don't be mouse dependant - keep learning shortcuts.

Quick Overview Of The Insert Function Tool - Your Search Engine For Functions

There are hundreds of functions in Excel, are you supposed to know them all?

Watch how Excel can help you learn the functions.

Check of the Insert Function tool--your search engine for functions!