Let's Begin With The End In Mind and Plan a Path To Make Your Dream Real

One hour of my undivided attention. We are going to talk about any challenges you are facing. By the end of it, we will discuss the next big changes that you can make, as well as the way you approach them. You will have your very own MindMap after this session, with your answers to your life's questions.

NOTE: Slots fill up pretty soon, so book early to avoid disappointment.

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Mindmap Your Future

$127 USD

  • Planning Session

    • One on one coaching session to Mindmap your future.
    • Map out your future and see where you want to be 5 years from now.
    • PDF copy of the Mindmapping session.
    • MS WORD copy of the Mindmapping session.
    • Unlimited access to the recording of your coaching session.
    • With my help this will be Easy and Life-changing!
Book My Spot!

Your Premium Instructor

Billy "Mr. Aloha" Wigley

Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)

As a Microsoft Certified Trainer, Billy Wigley is a Microsoft Office Expert in Excel. He has traveled throughout the USA, and other countries to teach Excel skills to thousands of students. In just five years, he has personally trained more than 65,000 professionals in over 100 cities. Wigley also consults with emergent business owners on their plans and projects to ensure success. With over 25 years of leadership experience, and from having resided in various cities worldwide, Wigley is well-known around the world. With his strong USA and Colombian heritage, Wigley takes pride in his multi-cultural background and being able to reach both English and Spanish speakers around the globe.

Think of Billy as your Excel coach!

Teaching these skills is all he does, and he is committed to helping students like you to achieve beyond what you believe you are capable of. He maintains regular office hours to serve his students worldwide.